What if God is MORE than the stories we believe?

Think you KNOW God?

Like it when people THINK they know you?  Does it irritate you when people keep your image fixed forever, no change allowed?

Well, what makes us think that God likes being boxed in for millenium unending?

If God were an idol, that wouldn’t be problem.  But to a Living God, that’s a big problem.

Guess that’s why so much scripture is devoted to ending idolatry.  Idolatry is the “art” of boxing God into things, or words, or ideas.

Being idolized isn’t all it’s cracked up to be–whether people think good or ill of you.   Problem is the boxes prevent relationship.  You never get to be who you are to the person who boxes you.  They never get to experience the real and ever-changing you!

Me, I just want to keep letting go of those neat, safe,  little boxes so I can keep making space for what is Real…the Real other, the Real me, the Real Moment.   I ask your prayer because it isn’t an easy thing to keep on doing, is it?

How about you?


Comments on: "Think you KNOW God?" (2)

  1. I know we don’t like the “fixed image” about ourselves when it’s bad, but when it’s good, I kinda like it.
    When people say ” Oh, I know him, he’s nice”
    Good fixed image.
    Little do they know In our own minds, we are always changing.

  2. I am giving you high fives for writing this. I have written volumes on this same subject.

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